Apr 19Liked by John Sweeney (Scrumpmonkey)

Now that I FINALLY have a quiet moment to read this, I really enjoyed seeing the final product.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any way out of this Sea of Worry without mass unplugging from the internet and disengagement with The Current Thing. Just about everywhere I go, everyone I run into - left, right, or otherwise - is caught up in this mindset to SOME degree. Hard for me to think of people who are outside of it.

I just hope that if more people wake up to this reality, the conversation can shift from merely pointing out the obvious (or constructed) and move towards constructive action.

But… one can dream, right?

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Apr 18Liked by John Sweeney (Scrumpmonkey)

Since the coof the news cycle has turned the people I know into schizo wrecks. I feel fortunate to never worry about 'da current thing'. Though I have considered moving to somewhere else that isn't as active in its self destruction as this country. Finland has rather nice cheap land 🤔

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Apr 18Liked by John Sweeney (Scrumpmonkey)


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Apr 22Liked by John Sweeney (Scrumpmonkey)

Absolutely outstanding!! Brilliant write up. I am also relieved that someone else out there in the awake community is calling all the WWIII rhetoric out for what it really is - fear mongering that is akin to kicking the nuclear war can down the road…that the threat of nukes is far more powerful (for them) than the actual act. Quality! Thanks.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

Thanks to people like you, we are ahead of the curb on this, but we could still benefit from further messaging discipline. "Messaging" less as in what we say than what we spend our time on politically. Our bread and butter is listening and producing hours of podcasts (or tweets, or articles) a day, but frankly most of it (when it isn't the current thing) is reheated Evola and Schmitt. I'm not saying that we can do without messaging (no organization can), or that it doesn't have its function at each level, but that it isn't yet good enough, even in the department of messaging alone. Many of us are captured by the medium, in a sense. Though, things are progressing, as we are breaking out in small ways. I suppose we just should be sure to continue pushing forward.

This is what your output is, after all. A further distillation, sharpening, and guarding of the priors we have learned a thousand times elsewhere. It helps, in any case, with my own failings in this regard: my own feelings of missing out and not being able to keep up, despite avoiding the current thing and being selective. I am reflecting on myself, to be sure, but I doubt I'm alone. The ability to tell ourselves "this is enough, this is sufficient" and put our energy elsewhere while retaining the feeling of orientation we get from engaging with political allies. I believe it's this need to feel oriented which is abused by the narrative machine, and we ourselves need to rise above it, through individual and collective efforts.

"Are you telling me that I can watch podcasts in order to be based?"

"No, I'm telling you that when you're ready, you won't have to."

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I'm not sure what makes you so confident that a long decline will not be followed by a sharp collapse.

South Africa is an example of continuous decline.

The USSR was an example of continuous decline and a sharp collapse.

What makes you so sure it will be the South African way and not the Soviet way?

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