Behind the scenes back in the mid 2010's Gibson was trying hard to impress itself in the consumer space. They opened a silicon valley office and flew engineers all over the world to work on lackluster projects that really went nowhere. Wireless guitars with embedded computers talking to an iPhone, all sorts of stuff. The CEO, Henry J was obsessed with Steve Jobs. Gibson forged relationships with Apple and Broadcom to work together towards interoperability of audio time synchronization over wireless networks so they could change the way that live audio and consumer audio could communicate with each other. It never took off and failed to sell any new products. They went bankrupt, closed the offices and I started a goat farm, got married and had kids after spending the better part of my youth on such endeavors with Henry J. As well as another long stint with another stupid company prior that works in much of the cinema and media Hollywood and news junk space. Avid Technology. Overpriced stuff really. But these are the tools that make the Boomer entertainment world go round.
Behind the scenes back in the mid 2010's Gibson was trying hard to impress itself in the consumer space. They opened a silicon valley office and flew engineers all over the world to work on lackluster projects that really went nowhere. Wireless guitars with embedded computers talking to an iPhone, all sorts of stuff. The CEO, Henry J was obsessed with Steve Jobs. Gibson forged relationships with Apple and Broadcom to work together towards interoperability of audio time synchronization over wireless networks so they could change the way that live audio and consumer audio could communicate with each other. It never took off and failed to sell any new products. They went bankrupt, closed the offices and I started a goat farm, got married and had kids after spending the better part of my youth on such endeavors with Henry J. As well as another long stint with another stupid company prior that works in much of the cinema and media Hollywood and news junk space. Avid Technology. Overpriced stuff really. But these are the tools that make the Boomer entertainment world go round.
The best minds of multiple generations wasted on selling the baby boomers ever more needless tat.