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Living in the political future
Trump has ‘Saved American Democracy’ and caused millions of Americans to buy back into “The Process” as genuine and sacred.
Q-Anon fulfillment. Patriots in control.
2024: the year everyone re-bought into the electoral system.
Farage is the backstop
[electoral pol isn’t real image]
Reform, Farage. Neo-neocons.
[attack image]
I can't stand Farage & the brand of politics he represents. He is a backstop, begging native Brits to remain engaged within a process that is designed to destroy them.He represents the politics of "Just one more election!" when, post-brexit, we see migration hit millions.
Political Amnesia. Freedom Fries.
The Woke Right & “The Pendulum Swing” - Once crowding out has been successfully achieved one can attempt to divide from within.
The Real Racists, just like the BNP. Matt Goodwin GB News & deradicalisation.
THE CURRENT THING is a rebirth of War on Terror.
In a world of "equal protection under the law," any measures to stop "terrorism" are just aimed at you.
Right vs. Left in the west boils down to this: Zionist Necon faction advocates for unlimited forever wars & 'sensible' immigration. Internationalist Diaspora Liberal faction argue for sensible wars [yoo-crane, Kosovo] & unlimited immigration. The 'compromise' is we get both.
Terrorism is one of the things you have to worry about least day to day ala immigrant populations.
It's like being struck by lightning. Focus on "terrorism" soley is a driver of the same security state that does not want you to discuss deportations openly. The designation of terrorism is wholly state & media controlled - as we learned in Syria recently. Not designating most violence by non native populations as terrorism creates a world of "isolated incidents & bad actors" rather than discussions on population level crime, disorder & decay.
“The Gulf War Didn't Happen” & the limits of leftist criticism of The Narrative.
The authors & publishers could never say “The Civil Rights Movement Didn't Happen” or “World War Two Didn't happen” despite them clearly being the same kind of “event portrayed wholly via propaganda.”
Things to watch:
New Britain:
This will gut local councils & create huge mega-councils headed by Westminster bubble mayors who will be centrally controlled via a "council of regions & nations."
100 mini Holyrood assemblies all wrapped up in endless process with ultimate decisions made from above.
This is the first step in New Britain constitutional reshaping.
Devolution via centralisation. Will be covered in full stream.
Practical outgrowth - Housing:
Infinite Council Estate:
Farming: what now for the cow?
Inheritance tax issue is to extract compromises from farmers, who have been economically unviable without subsidies for the entire postwar period & therefore are a jostling client group &nricaa rival castle.
The Numbers are always a lie:
Current elite has no incentive to tell the truth & lacks the ability to accurately “measure” things for planning & management due to the calculation problem – even if it was trying to be truthful.
“People can't be that stupid” ← yes they can!
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