In our day and age immense effort is expended by elites across politics and media to globalise your mind. Billions are spent on news programs and government campaigns to ensure that you are focused and paying attention to issues so physically distant and mentally abstract that they could only be considered distractions. The regime doesn’t need you to care about the LGBT community in Afghanistan, or an act of terrorism in a 3rd world country you’ll never visit. It only needs you to not care about the immediate issues at hand, don’t consider the demographic replacement in your local community, don’t think about the near impossibility of supporting a family in the same locale within which you were raised. Your mind must be taken away from what is before you, issues like Covid, Climate Change, or the War in Ukraine must be at the forefront.
The messaging around these events becomes so pervasive that they disrupt even those who are capable of cutting through the noise. After organising dozens of people towards a local cause, you finally approach the community and attempt to mobilise them on issues of housing or community provisions. Only to be countered with constant questioning about how your campaign might also comply with Net Zero, solidarity with Ukraine, and the fight against racism. Local problems now require globally compliant solutions.
To solve any political problem no matter how small in the modern age requires immense levels of will, even more so when said problem is generally considered a positive or necessary side effect within the elite class. One must be willing to reject every global issue in the name of one’s own community, to do so is to commit professional and political suicide. Only someone of immense charisma, who is always one step ahead of the current elites, with near infinite resources to spend could consider taking on such a cause. Individuals of this type are thin on the ground to say the least, and this is generally the reason why Right Wing activism doesn’t work.
As mentioned before time and again in our work we do not wish to create activists our goal instead is to develop respectable representatives of traditional ideas, and to do this one must deglobalise their mind as well. But fret nor for deglobalisation is only 3 small steps away!
Step 1: Go Pub
In modern Britain the last bastion of community organisation is the local pub. With churches either non-existent or otherwise routed entirely by global causes, the pub stands as the only regular gathering place for the local community that isn’t work or school. Within the pub, providing you can be without your phone for more than 15 minutes, one will find riveting conversation generally with the older patrons on the issues of the day in a much more local and real sense. Doubly so when one is approachable, well presented, and able to converse with individuals without coming across as an arrogant intellectual or permanently online obsessive. I for one have found my new local community to be much more enjoyable and homely now that I frequent the pub, within it I have founded great new friendships and come to truly understand those who live here.
Step 2: Read books from pre-1945
For those who wish to study the traditional world, it is obvious that one would be expected to read works from all previous eras. But as someone who isn’t flush with resources or in close proximity to larger libraries, it can be easy to default to new more accessible editions of older texts, or even be ignorant of classic works which have not yet seen a modern treatment. I can however assure you that reading books that are old, and generally the older the better, can become a life changing experience. It is one thing to assume that the old world and it people was better, it is another to read countless works from the previous century and before to truly understand how they thought about any topic at hand and how it related to the world around them. In modern reprints and translations of classical works we are told there is an emphasis on accuracy and accessibility, but this generally results in powerful works becoming neutered or being placed amongst oppositional academic waffle—a phenomenon that bursts to the fore in the mid-century . The original works, or the rare faithful reprints like those from Imperium Press, allow us to our best abilities to understand Edwardian, Victorian, and Feudal man. Through this understanding one can completely cut through the lies we are told on every subject of history.
Step 3: Smoke
“Being Right Wing is about smoking, the more you smoke the more Right Wing you are.” - Panama Hat
To smoke nowadays is an act of rebellion, I don’t just mean to smoke a couple menthols on a Saturday night to balance out the sambuca shots. Smoking is a symbol of the old world, almost nothing today carries the cool mystique of a period advert for smoking. We today are so health focused, as a consequence of our adversity to death, that we are conditioned to look down on smokers as a risk to themselves and every one around them. This is why one must go beyond mere smoking and become an appreciator of tobacco, for it truly is one of the finest things in life. In this day and age it is hard to partake in tobacco in this fashion, as was said about classic works earlier, but this should really be your sign to overcome the challenge and truly differentiate yourself from modern man.
Take all of the 3 steps above and you will find in short order that being a respectable representative of traditional ideas is easy. Almost no one can resist the allure of a well dressed individual partaking in a cigar or pipe, to accompany one’s ale or spirit, who can command a knowledge of classical works and retell great tales of what the world was like before. Those not receptive to such allure need not be considered. If you find that this doesn’t succeed consider signing up for Basket Weaving, where many a like minded individual can be found and where a disparate community already exists.
Excellent plan! I will attempt to take the 3-Step Plan for Traditional Living.